After being down by -41.84 at 15,032 units for the full year 2017, the latest data released by the motorcycle industry trade association in Poland (PZPM) put new motorcycle registrations in the Polish market at -33.32 percent for the first quarter of 2018 (1,225 units) and -28.76 percent for the YTD (2,093 units).
New moped registrations were down by -55.50 percent (Euro 4 effect) with total new PTW registrations -43.66 percent YTD (3,739 units); in 2017 they were -10.18 percent for the full year (44,669 units).
However, new model registrations are only ever part of the story where the Polish market is concerned. Poland is an important market for pre-owned vehicles (from elsewhere in Europe) that are receiving their first domestic Polish registration; these machines provide valuable service, maintenance and PG&A income for Poland’s franchised and independent motorcycle shops and the vendors they buy from.
Combined total new and used motorcycle registrations are running at -17.65 YTD (12,573 units); new and used mopeds combined are -44.11 percent YTD on low volumes; total new and used PTW registrations are -24.39 percent YTD at 15,494 units, having been -6.75 percent for 2017 at 109,393 units.