Since its founding in 1970, Putoline Oil says it has been a leading player in the international lubricants market - exclusively for the motorised two-wheel segment.
"Experience and specialised technical knowledge enables us to continuously focus on product innovation. In recent years, we have worked hard on the development of an all surpassing additive technology called N-TECH.
Part of the N-TECH additive technology is a new API group 5 fully synthetic base oil. This "superior" base oil quality with new features has recently become a suitable motorcycle oil additive. By opting for a precise dose of the N-TECH additive technology, a "product of superior quality has been created".
The company says that ten years ago it was the first to introduce Nano technology into its motorcycle lubricants and that the brand is now moving forward again with its N-TECH technology – "the next step in additive technology for motorcycles and the worthy successor to the Nano-Tech range".
The top of the new Putoline range is the N-TECH PRO R +, which is available in various viscosities in both Road and Off-Road versions, said to be suitable for most "conceivable and diverse conditions from year-round use to extreme competition".
Next to this range, various other Putoline oils have also been re-engineered with the new N-TECH additive technology, and a completely new racing product is expected later this year, one that is being developed to offer "ultimate protection for motorcycles under racing conditions".
Simultaneously with the introduction of N-TECH, Putoline Oil is introducing a completely new label design "in line with the current corporate identity and market trends. In collaboration with a 3D render artist, various representative motorcycles have been created digitally in recent months. This new approach focuses on the motorcycles in the label designs, while the chosen models are neutral and typical of the application of the product. This state-of-the-art 3D visualisation gives N-TECH the ultimate look".
In the coming months Putoline Oil will introduce the N-TECH additive technology and its new label designs with an "Unleash Your Adventure" themed campaign. The kick-off is a video campaign in which "the adventure and the search for the exclusive N-TECH additive is captured. With these new Putoline products everyone can start their adventure, whether it is during daily use, in competition or extreme adventure".