Thursday 30 January 2020

Stat Attack

Honda reports 5.098m unit sales worldwide for Q2 (-4.1% to end of September 2019), taking their half YTD to 10.01m units - down by 6.1% compared to the first half of 2018. For Europe, Honda reports 57,000 sales for Q2 and 141,000 YTD, making units sales in Europe level with the first six months of 2018. Global motorcycle sales revenue was 522.5bn yen for their second quarter, down by - 16.7bn yen from 2018; for the half year, sales were 1,005.5bn yen, down by -38.6bn yen for the YTD.

For its "Land Mobility" business division, Yamaha is reporting net sales of 832.0 billion yen for the first nine months/three quarters of its 2019 financial/calendar year (a decrease of -5.8 billion yen or -0.7% compared with the same period the previous fiscal year), with operating income of 35.8 billion yen (a decrease of 4.4 billion yen or -10.9%).
In "developed markets" it increased unit sales in Europe. In its "emerging markets" motorcycle business, unit sales increased in Indonesia, the Philippines and Brazil, but decreased in Vietnam, India, Taiwan and Argentina, resulting in decreased sales units, and decreased sales and income overall.

For the six months ended September 2019, Kawasaki reports sales revenue for its Motorcycle (and Engine) division at 147.23bn yen for an improved operating loss of 3.37bn yen compared to the year-ago period. For Q2, Kawasaki wholesale shipments to "developed markets" were 67,000 units, up by 3,000 from Q2 last year; revenue generated was 50.3bn yen.For emerging markets, Q2 wholesale unit shipments were 158,000, down by 5,000 units from the year-ago quarter, with 36.2bn yen generated (also down).

For its second quarter (July to September 2019), Suzuki reports that net sales in its motorcycle business increased by 0.2bn yen (+0.2%) to 126.5bn yen year-on-year, mainly owing to increased sales in India. Q2 operating income decreased by 2.3bn yen (-56.8%) to 1.7bn yen year-on-year. Overall worldwide unit sales volume was 876,000 units for the six-month period from April to September 2019, which was up by 18,000 units (+2.1%) due to increases in India and the Philippines.