Thursday 5 September 2019

Polish motorcycle registrations

Poland: new motorcycles +38.39 % YTD

The latest data from the motorcycle industry trade association in Poland (PZPM) shows new motorcycle registrations at +20.90 percent for June 2019 (2,401 units), having been +23.90 percent in May (2,483 units). The figures show that the modest improvement of the new motorcycle market in Poland since the summer of 2018 appears to be sustaining.
For the YTD (January - June 2019) new motorcycle registrations were +38.39 percent at 11,531 units - the best since 2016 and third best since before 2006.

New moped sales are improving too, though comparisons with the early months of 2018 are unreliable due to the moped segment's 2017/2018 Euro 4 transition - YTD moped registrations in Poland are reported as +24.64 percent (10,485 units), putting total new PTWs in Poland at +31.49 percent YTD (22,016 units - the best since 2016).
However, new model registrations are only ever part of the story where the Polish market is concerned. Poland is an important market for pre-owned vehicles (from elsewhere in Europe) that are receiving their first domestic Polish registration; these machines provide valuable service, maintenance and PG&A income for Poland’s franchised and independent motorcycle shops and the vendors they buy from.
When the used motorcycles receiving their first registration in Poland are factored in, the total number of new and used motorcycles sold was +2.63 percent in June (9,661 units) and were running at +11.24 percent for the YTD (50,177 units - the best since before 2010).
Total new and used PTWs were +12.72 percent (65,577 units YTD) - the best since 2016.
For the full year 2018 overall total new PTW registrations were -30.67 percent (30,971 units) for the year; new and used PTW registrations were -7.53 percent (101,158 units) - retaining Poland’s position as Europe’s 6th largest market.